Saturday, December 5, 2009

~Poetry outloud performance Reveiw~

The dry humor you could hear from the voice of Jackson Hille when he performed "Forgetfulness" by Billy Collins was really the key reason why he was one of the finalists. The satirical way he spoke the poem made it even funnier. The articulation helped you understand it more. His pausing and hilarious, facial expression made it seem like he was reading it as if he knew that he would coincidentally forget the poem himself. His Physical Presence is funny and awkward, like his trying to show the strange,weirdand the way you feel while being forgetful.

Jackson truly captured the meaning of being forgetful and how the poem showed it. I felt that Ihfully agreed and understood the poem. How it really portrayed that annoying ironic feeling that you were forgetting something as you remembered something else. Also that the memory just leaves you brain on some "Mystical river" I got How all the random knowledge that is stored in you r head just leaves without your control and the only way you realize it is if you try to remember it.